FBC Training

FBC Is Available for Training 
As we begin working under the 'new normal', FBC wants to offer our assistance and training classes based on our individual members jurisdictional guidelines. We are available by phone and email during regular business hours to discuss your training needs. Please watch the website for updates as we move forward with scheduling virtual class offerings.


The FBC offers multiple training opportunities throughout the year. All upcoming training opportunities are posted on the FBC home page. The following is a brief description of the training offered:

  • Annual Fall Conference - This 2 day conference is held each October, generally hosted by one of our members.  In conjunction with this conference, it is preceded by a half day workshop.     
  • Training Workshops - The FBC offers a minimum of 2 training workshops each year.
  • Lean Six Sigma Training - The FBC offers a comprehensive 4-year progressive Lean Six Sigma Training Program starting with Yellow Belt, followed by Green Belt and concluding with Black Belt certification.
  • Jurisdiction Requested Training - The FBC will design and provide specific training for a jurisdiction if requested.
  • Annual Joint Workshop with FWEA - The FBC offer one jointly sponsored workshop each year in November. 

If you have ideas or are willing to help provide training that would benefit FBC members, please feel free to contact the Executive Director and/or the Training Committee (see link below).