Member Local Governments and their Primary Coordinators

Each member local government organization in the FBC designates a Primary Coordinator to serve as that organization's primary contact person with the FBC.  This person helps their local government and the FBC by keeping everyone informed about:

1) FBC events, such as the Annual Conference, and all of the scheduled FBC training opportunities,

2) FBC data collection issues each year, such as the FBC performance measures and measure definitions, deadlines for data entry, how to work with the FBC's Ideagen Software and when networking and benchmarking with other FBC local government member organizations,

3) Engaging the FBC's Service Area Leads (who are responsible for the FBC's 20 Service Areas of local government performance measures) with questions, concerns, and the sharing of best practices, and

4) Ensuring that the contact information for their local governments' contact persons is kept current in the FBC's Ideagen Software and e-mail databases.

As you can see, the FBC's Primary Coordinators are very important to the success of both their local governments as member local governments in the FBC and the FBC overall.



Melinda Ruiz-Adams