Review FBC's citizen-informed performance measures
Below are the designated Citizen-Informed Performance Measures used by FBC and broken out into their applicable service area.
Code Enforcement Service Area
Summary of Input on Code Enforcement from Citizen Focus Groups Conducted in 2008:
Citizens want to be able to have access to operational information concerning code enforcement in their communities. They want to be able to determine such things as the time period from violation (complaint) to resolution and how to follow up on whether or not code complaints were resolved and how they were resolved.
Relevant Performance Measures already Collected by FBC:
- Average days from complaint to first inspection
- Percent of cases brought into voluntary compliance before formal notice issued
- Percent of cases brought into compliance before Special Master, Code Enforcement Board citation
- Percent of cases brought into compliance
Additional Performance Measures Under Consideration by FBC:
Average days from first inspection to formal notice issued
Average days from notice issued to citation issued
Fire Rescue Service Area
Summary of Input on Fire Rescue from Citizen Focus Groups conducted in 2008:
Citizens are interested in having access to operational outcomes for fire and rescue services in their communities. They want to know how well their fire-fighters and rescue workers are doing in responding to emergencies. As part of that information, they want to know the response times for fire fighters and rescue workers, the number of people using 911, the types of calls, and whether or not services are available for special populations such as the elderly and handicapped people living at home. Citizens basically want information about the effectiveness of their fire and rescue services and how the level of effectiveness is being measured
Relevant Performance Measures addressing "Response" that are already collected by FBC:
- Percentage of building fire call response times (turnout + travel) equal to or less than 5 minutes (National Fire Protection Association - NFPA 1710 benchmark)
- Percentage of building fire calls (turnout + travel) greater than 5 minutes and equal to or less than 9 minutes (NFPA 1710 benchmark)
- Number of building fire calls with total response time less than or equal to 9 minutes
- Percentage of building fire calls with total response time less than or equal to 9 minutes
- Percentage of building fire calls timed from the moment the calls are answered to the end of their associated dispatch at two minutes or less (NFPA 1710 benchmark)
- Percentage of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) call response times (turnout + travel) where a BLS unit is on scene in less than 5 minutes (NFPA 1710 benchmark)
- Percentage of EMS call response times (turnout + travel) where an Advanced Life Support (ALS) unit is on scene in less than 9 minutes (NFPA 1710 benchmark)
- Percentage of EMS call response times (turnout + travel) where a TRANSPORT unit is on scene in less than 9 minutes (NFPA 1710 benchmark)
- Percentage of EMS calls timed from the moment the calls are answered to the end of their associated dispatch at two minutes or less (NFPA 1710 benchmark)
Relevant Performance Measures addressing "people using 911" that are already collected by FBC:
- Total calls dispatched
- Non-EMS calls dispatched to as percent of total calls
- EMS calls dispatched to as percent of total calls
Relevant Performance Measures addressing "Effectiveness" that are already collected by FBC:
- Number of actual fires suppressed by Fire personnel
- Number of civilian injuries due to fire
- Number of civilian deaths due to fire
- Total estimated dollar property loss for all fire incidents
- Total estimated dollar property saved
Parks and Recreation Service Area
Summary of Input on Parks and Recreation from Citizen Focus Groups conducted in 2008:
Citizens feel that using community volunteers to help in park maintenance and cleanup would be extremely beneficial. Citizens also feel diverse populations are able to access local parks and especially the elderly, handicapped, low income youth and adults, etc.
Relevant Performance Measures addressing "use of volunteers" that are already collected by FBC:
- Number of volunteer hours
- Number volunteer hours as percentage of total staff hours
Additional Performance Measures Under Consideration by FBC addressing "parks access and use by diverse populations."
On-site survey results demonstrating the # and % of park users that are elderly, handicapped
low income youth and low income adults.
Planning and Growth Management Service Area
Summary of Input on Planning and Growth Management from Citizen Focus Groups conducted in 2008:
Citizens want to understand the permitting process; how permits are given, the length of time it takes to get a permit, equity across citizenry in getting permit approvals, the number of variances awarded and who gets them, and how citizens can be involved in the permitting process.
Relevant Performance Measures already collected by FBC:
- Percent of permit requests completed within 30 days as required by Florida Statutes (FS) 553
- Overall customer satisfaction ranking from customer contact cards.
Additional Performance Measures under consideration by FBC:
# of variances requested
# of variances approved
Policing Service Area
Summary of Input on Policing from Citizen Focus Groups conducted in 2008:
Citizens want information about traffic violations, arrests, conviction rates, response times in emergencies, and officer training efforts. Citizens also want to have much stronger relationships with their police officers. They want to have officers assigned to specific neighborhoods and schools,
and they want to have the opportunity to get to know their local police officers. They want to have more diverse officers assigned to their communities, to include officers who reflect the racial and ethnic populations they serve. They felt that closer relationships between officers and community residents would promote greater trust.
Relevant Performance Measures addressing "general policing" already collected by FBC:
- Total # of calls received by agency
- Citizen-generated workload; Calls for Service (CFS)
- High priority calls response time (call received to unit dispatched)
- High priority calls response time (unit dispatched to unit on scene/aka- "drive time")
- Self-initiated workload; pro-active police actions
- Traffic citations issued (moving violations only)
- 2007 Uniform Crime Report (UCR) Part 1 Crime clearance rate
- Total arrests
Relevant Performance Measures addressing "police relations" already collected by FBC:
- Percent sworn Non-minority (white)
- Percent sworn Black
- Percent sworn Hispanic
- Percent sworn Asian
- Percent sworn Other
- Percent sworn Female
- Members assigned to a Community Oriented Policing or Problem Oriented Policing Unit
Stormwater and Drainage Maintenance Service Area
Summary of Input on Stormwater and Drainage Maintenance from Citizen Focus Groups conducted in 2008:
Citizens are concerned about runoff and water safety. They want to know that their communities are ensuring that water runoff is clean and free of dangerous chemicals. Citizens also want better coordination and partnerships between citizens and government employees. They want to be able to
participate in local planning efforts in water management.
Performance Measures under consideration by FBC:
Number of recorded incidents of street flooding
% of stormwater quality within NPDES standards or requirements (NPDES = National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System)
FBC is in the early stages of creating a new service area called "environmental protection" to further address the concerns stated by citizens. It is anticipated that this new service area will be available and appropriate performance measures crafted for the 09 data gathering cycle.
Road Repair Service Area
Summary of Input on Road Repair from Citizen Focus Groups conducted in 2008:
Citizens expressed a desire for clarity regarding traffic signal settings and timing, and for information regarding who monitors traffic issues and how these are resolved. Citizens also have an interest in being able to access information on traffic changes, particularly those secondary to planned and emergency construction. They also want to know who to call in their community government with questions, problems, or suggestions regarding traffic concerns.
Additionally, citizens want to see stronger partnerships between jurisdictions. Specific concerns addressed those public and private agencies involved in construction and maintenance of roadways that span multiple communities. Citizens also want their jurisdictions to ensure that there is a relationship between government departments and subcontractors specifically as it applies to citizen reporting of safety and quality concerns related to roadway development and repairs.
FBC is currently creating a new service area called "Traffic Engineering" to address the concerns stated by citizens. It is anticipated that this new service area will be available and appropriate performance measures crafted for the 09 data gathering cycle.