Performance Management Articles and Publications
The FBC's leaders have been compiling a wide variety of resources and publications that may be of interest to you in your local government work surrounding such areas as: performance measurement, benchmarking, performance improvement, performance management, strategic planning, and other associated efforts.
If you'd like to share resources and publications with everyone that you believe may be of interest to other like-minded professionals, please send your ideas about this and any such resources that you may have to Susan Boyer at
Police Services article from
Shortfall Shock
Performance Rules
Polk County Adds Electric Trucks to its Fleet
BSO gets 'Smart' at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport
City of Orlando Police & Fire Sworn Personnel Trend Analysis 2000 - 2009
Improving Employee Productivity and Efficiency
ASPA CAP Presentation by Stuart Grifel at 2009 ASPA Annual Conference in Miami FL (March 20, 2009)
The Importance of Accurate Performance Measurement Data
Reporting reliable performance data is especially critical today as more government organizations publish external accountability reports toits citizens.
Commentary: Reform government culture to cut costs by Eric Scorsone, MSU
It is time to change the local government culture so local officials let data help dictate their decisions to help save taxpayer money. This would help make the need for many important reforms, such as cooperation between local governments, more evident to managers, politicians and residents. Transparency in government has to move beyond open meetings, audits and freedom of information; real transparency tells us how our tax dollars are used to deliver services and the impact of any changes in those operations.
Eric Scorsone is co-chair of the State and Local Government Program at Michigan State University in East Lansing.
Economic Stimulus Spreadsheet - Initial Analysis of House Leadership Proposal
The publication outlines how the Stimulus Package seeks to sistribute the funding by Agency. If you are interested in funding that is slated as pass-through (funding which will be awarded to your state for distibution to cities, ounties, and other entities), you are urged to find out the contact information for the person or agency which will likely be responsible for distribution of any pass-through funding.
The Role of Leadership in Building High Performing, Sustainable Organizations
Effective Management in Troubled Times
Pinellas County Survey Manual
Leadership and Accountability - Police Chief Journal Article
Pinellas County - BTS - Linux Server Operating System (OS) Technology Consolidation – Survey Results
Despite numerous efforts, the preparers of this document were able to find very little objective qualitative comparison between the Linux SuSE/SLES and Red Hat Operating Systems. In an effort to fairly compare the technologies, two surveys were conducted.
What is being taught about performance at schools across the country?
"Performance measurement has caught on almost everywhere — except for the schools teaching the next generation of government managers"
Governing Magazine